Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sotomayor likely to win the vote

As diverse as our nation is becoming, it is imperative that we are informed of the changes taking place in our country. Not only do we have the first African American President , but we may soon have a new Hispanic in the Supreme Court.
As a new nominee for a seat in the Supreme Court, democrat Sonia Sotomayor's position lies in the decision of the Senate. During the last week, Sotomayor has had to endure questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee, to prove herself worthy of a seat in the Supreme Court. It is her previous comments that "a wise latina could decide a case better than a white man" that have caused much turmoil, especially from the Republican view. This comment and past speeches regarding the idea that "personal experiences might influence a judge's behavior" have worked against her credibility to be the next appointed chair in the Supreme Court. However, during her testimonial Sotomayer not only expressed regret for her comments, but she also sided with Republic views opposing the idea of having empathy for those before the court, making Republicans much more pleased with her. By correcting her controversial comments, and by replying with such wise answers during her questioning, many now seemed pleased to have Sotomayor come on board. Some even said to be "mighty impressed" with Sotomayor after her testimonial. It is very possible that most Democrats and several Republicans will vote to approve Sotomayor's nomination and send her to Senate. The decision will be made on July 28, 2009.

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